On accepting wave-outs

I’m always cautious of accepting a “wave-out” from another motorist. A few things have to be considered if another motorist is letting you pull into traffic. The most important consideration is whether or not you have sufficient clear vision ahead and to both sides. As the saying goes “never put your bike anyplace your brain hasn’t been 2 seconds earlier”. I’ll politely decline a wave-out and wait if I can’t see well enough and believe it’s possible that I may be surprised. Another consideration is that it may be possible that other motorists failed to see that someone has waved you on and may try and fill the vacant space at the same time you do.

I appreciate that some motorists are extremely cautious and courteous around motorcycles but, as with most other scenarios, make sure you have covered your bases, know where you are about to put your bike and what the possible dangers are before accepting a wave-out.

Be safe.