
change-180x180The article “Change” by Bud Miller was originally published on the “RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring & Travel” magazine website on 9/08/2013.

Once in a while it can seem as though everything is changing and sometimes that’s actually the case and it can be a bit overwhelming, at least for me. I’m not used to adapting to a lot of changes all at once; but I keep telling myself that change is good and not to be feared, so too with growth and progress. So I adapt, adjust, move ahead, and replace fear with motivation. Some things, thankfully, are constant.

Last week I had an appointment to finally have new rubber put on Big Red, after 2,000 miles to the RoadRUNNER Touring Weekend and back, I was well overdue. As it happened I had scheduled a job interview for later the same afternoon and had left little time in between appointments. The solution was to pack my interview clothes in the top box in the event that the tire change took longer than expected. That, of course, is exactly what happened. Add to this the fact that my house is for sale and an open house was scheduled for later that same day, which meant I couldn’t come home after the interview.

I know the wiser course would’ve been to schedule things on separate days or farther apart; but what’s the challenge in that? So I did my superman impersonation and changed into my dress clothes in the dealership’s men’s room and rode the 25 miles or so in dress pants and tie. After exchanging my motorcycle boots for dress shoes in the parking lot I made it to what turned out to be the shortest interview I’ve ever had. “H.R. made a mistake, I’m afraid you’re overqualified, sorry.” The fact that the company is using software I’ve written struck me as only mildly ironic.

Ordinarily interviews are somewhat nerve-wracking but somehow the ride put me into the proper frame of mind and it didn’t seem as monumental as these things can. I got to ride there under a cloudless sky on a gorgeous summer day on new tires. I had also made arrangements to meet up afterward with my friends Don and Harry who were hanging out drinking ice-tea on Harry’s back porch nearby.

The three of us sat on the back porch planning rides and trading stories for a few hours and I forgot about the interview and was struck by how peaceful I felt amidst all that was unsettled. In a sea of change it’s easy to lose your bearings and to feel a bit adrift; but if you’re lucky there are islands of people you can seek out who offer respite from the chaos and who ground you. They let you know that all will be well and that you are loved. The only constant is change as they say. It is inevitable if anyone is to grow; yet thankfully there are some things that never will like sunshine, friendship, the feel of new tires and the knowledge that today’s minor disappointments are only preparing you for tomorrow’s glorious discoveries.

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